Online Summer School on Mathematical Philosophy for Female Students 2022
Idea and Motivation
The Munich Center for Mathematical Philosophy (MCMP) is organising the eigth Summer School on Mathematical Philosophy for Female Students, which will take place from Monday 1st August - Friday 5th August 2022. The summer school is open to excellent female students who want to specialise in mathematical philosophy.
The school’s aim is to encourage female students to engage with mathematical and scientific approaches to philosophical problems, and thereby help to redress the gender imbalance in formal philosophy: it offers the opportunity for study in an informal and interdisciplinary setting, for lively debate, and for the development of a network of students and professors interested in the application of formal methods to philosophy.
This year at the summer school, we will presumably have the following lecture streams:
"Explanations in Mathematical and Computantional Sciences" led by Atoosa Kasirzadeh (Edinburgh).
"Idealizations in Machine Learning", led by Emily Sullivan (Eindhoven).
In addition there will be an evening lecture by A.W. Eaton as well as talks by members of the MCMP.
The organising committee for this year’s summer school consists of Alice Murphy, Nicola Bonatti, William D´Alessandro, John Dougherty, Burçe Gümüşlü, and Jürgen Landes.